I've got Tomcat 4.1.30 and Apache 1.3 on Linux and I've been using the jk2 connector for a year and a half without any problems.

Now I've suddenly got Tomcat stopping with the following message:
All threads (75) are currently busy, waiting. Increase maxThreads (75) or check the servlet status.

Now I've done a lot of homework, googled and searched the jakarta site, but I can't seem to get answers to my specific questions, which if any of you are willing to help me, should be fairly simple to answer.

1) We have only a moderately busy site with about 500 new visitors entering from outside every day, so it would have thought it would be fairly difficult for them to use up all the 75 connections at the same time, but I do have some programmes that create their own threads, though in a fairly limited way. In your expert view are 75 jk2 connections sufficient for this kind of moderate use, or is it likely I've some kind of problem I've got to get to the bottom of? I've been through my recent new applications, and there really is nothing that could have created this problem recently.

2) I've set connectionTimeout=20000, which seems to be what everybody else was setting it to, can I reduce this without any problem? It seems quite long, 20 seconds, why hang on to connections for so long, or is there a lot of overhead in creating them?

3) If I want to, can I increase my max connections to 125 without any qualms? - This would appear to be the simplest solution here.

Thanks for any help on this.

Malcolm Warren

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