Until you are comfortable with all this, may I suggest you download the NetBeans IDE (if company policy allows it) and see how they are setting everything up? NetBeans has a good template for a war distributed web-app and gives you a friendly way to deploy your war file to a TomCat server - either the one that is supplied (5.5.7) or one of your choosing (requires some minimal setting of preferences).

At that point, you may add the postgresql drivers and datasource and see how it all bolts together.


p.s. If you need further help with the datasource context, email me and I'll show you how it works for me.

Mattier, Ricardo wrote:

For now, I placed a test .jsp file in the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT
directory. I haven't deployed a .war file yet.

Rick Mattier
Systems Analyst II
Wind River Systems
Canton: 781 364-2002
Nashua 603 897-2084

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