I am trying to migrate a webapp from SilverStream 3.7.5 to Tomcat, while keeping the same URL for my users. Right now, they hit it at www.myserver.com:<port>/level1/level2/Login.jsp, where level1 is a database name, and level2 is a name we assigned.

The .war that provides the content is called SiteData.war, so when I deploy it to tomcat, it shows up at context path /SiteData. I would love it if Tomcat could present the same stuff at the /level1/level2 path. If I have to deploy it as individual files instead of in a .war file, that's ok to, as would be other mods to path names, etc. If someone could just give me some hints, I'd be very grateful.

BTW, I spent several hours googling and searching newsgroups, and found nothing showing multi-level context paths, so I don't even know for sure if it's possible.


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