
I need my client to communicate with a servlet using secure xmlrpc. Using
Apache's SecureWebServer works (got my own TrustManager, HostnameVerifier,
selfsigned certificates/keystores for server/client). Accessing Tomcat with a
browser (https://localhost:8443) works too (selfsigned certificate/keystore for
tomcat). But when I try to make a secure XMLRPC call to the servlet
(https://localhost:8443/myservlets/myservlet), I just get a certificate unknown
exception. When adding the selfsigned Tomcat certificate to
$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts, I get this: java.io.IOException: HTTPS
hostname wrong:  should be <localhost>.

I guess Tomcat does not know of my certificate. With the
SecureWebServer/SecureXmlRpcClient implemenation I use an open (trust anyone)
TrustManager, HostnameVerifier.

What do I need to do?


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