
when I look in the manager/status page I sometimes see threads in status 
keep-alive that are
very old, have atm some which are 70700177ms old, which is over 19 hours.

These threads have no longer any connection to the apache server, which invoked 
them, as 
I restarted the responsible apache processes yesterday.

Is there a timout configuration I can put in my server.xml to do so?

I found some directives for mod_jk and workers.properties, but after restarting 
apache service the connection is lost and the tomcat should timeout those 

I checked the session timeout from manager/sessions?path=/ and it tells me that 
it is
set to 30 minutes, but >19 hours for those threads is multiple times of 30 

And these threads aren't reused for new connections, they stay and idle till I
restart the tomcat service.

Any hints or suggestions?

Thanks in advance


Punishment becomes ineffective after a certain point.  Men become
                -- Eneg, "Patterns of Force", stardate 2534.7

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