Hi all,

 I'm looking through docs and FAQs, but I cannot find how to do the

 I use Tomcat5 and Apache2. My apache server can accede the tomcat
server, and things like:

info=A scriptable management web application for the Tomcat Web Server.

in the workers2.properties works perfectly (meaning manager is
accessible from http://localhost/manager/).

 Now, I'd like to be able to deploy new application on the tomcat server
without having to add a line in the workers2.properties file.

 I do *not* want to add a line like:


 What I want is to have a line like:


and that that all the URI in /tomcat/foo be converted in /foo for the
tomcat server.

 For that to work it should be a parameter to give to the tomcat server,
but I did not find the right one. <Context> seems to be the right one,
but when I add

<Context path="/tomcat" docBase="./" privileged="1"/>

to my host parameter in server.xml, it does allow me to use .jsp, but
not servlets.

 Do someone know how I could achieve something like that?



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