Hi Guys, 

 I am new to Apache and Tomcat. I have downloaded and sucessfully installed
Apache 1.3.19 and Tomcat 3.2.1 they run perfectly fine
 independently. I would like to intergrate Apache with Tomcat to serve
Static pages and JSP and Servlets using Tomcat. 

 1) I have added Include
D:/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/conf/tomcat-apache.conf file to httpd.conf
file of Apache distribution. 
 2) Downloaded ApacheModuleJServ.dll and added to libexec directory and
modules directory of Apache Installation? 
 3) I started Tomcat first and then Apache, they started successfully and
was able to test servlets fine from Tomcat, but I cannot able to do the
 same using Apache URL

 The servlet runs fine if I use Tomcat URL

 What would be the best way to test and know that Integration has been

 thanks for help, 

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