Try address="" or whatever IP you want tomcat to bind to. 
The port attribute will do the same thing for defining what port number
to bind to.


Justin Jaynes wrote:

>I DID try, but there is no IP address attribute for
>connector elements. .. at least not in the
>documentation listed on the 5.5 documentation /
>configuration setup.
>How would I do it?  Can you please indicate the
>Thanks, Justin
>--- Hassan Schroeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Justin Jaynes wrote:
>>>I am running tomcat 5.5.12 and need to host two
>>>both with ssl.  
>>>Can you set up two connectors (one port 443 and
>>>port 80) for one specific ip address and another
>>>of connectors for another ip address? 
>>Yes. :-)
>>That's exactly what you need to do. Try it, ask if
>>you run into a
>>specific problem...
>>Hassan Schroeder -----------------------------
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