This is the way I would do it, which will allow it be
portable to any database.

Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();

//Connection is assumed
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select
* from sometable where somedatetimefield = ?");

--- Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a simple question about the Date object (or
> similar object)
> I have a mySQL table with a DATETIME cell. I want to
> get the date from this cell
> (formatted like so: e.g.  2001-03-23 13:04:59)
>  and retrieve the date that is exactly 7 days
> earlier than the retrieved date.
> What is the easiest way to do this? I noticed a lot
> of method deprecations in the specs and I am having
> trouble using the Date object.
> -----
> For example, 
> cannot resolve symbol
> symbol  : constructor Date  ()
> location: class java.sql.Date
>                 Date d = new Date();
>                          ^
> 1 error
> -----
> thanx
> -ryan


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