Some pointers:

1) The version supplied with the Tomcat RPM's
at should work just fine with RedHat 6.2 regardless
of whatever messages it may spew out, as long as you stick to the standard
Red Hat 6.2 rpms for Apache (no self-compiled Apache - mod_jk is very sensitive
to environmental changes). (If you have another
Linux version, such as Mandrake, you'll need to compile your own

2) apxs is not in the standard Apache RPM.
     You'll find it in the apache-dev rpm.

3) How do you perform your mod_jk make once you have apxs available?
     Are you located in the correct directory?
     In my case, I navigated to jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1-src/src/native/apache1.3,
     and issued the command:

/usr/sbin/apxs -o -c -I /usr/java/java2/include -I 
/usr/java/java2/include/linux -I ../jk *.c ../jk/*.c

Hope this helps.

At 01:56 PM 4/25/01 -0400, Sue Evans wrote:
>I have spent days trying to get tomcat configured.  I can't seem to
>get/create either mod_jk or mod_jserv that will work.  I am on Linux 6.2,
>using Apache 1.3 and Tomcat 3.2.1 . I have tried the following with these
>1. First tried using the Apache server that installed automatically when I
>installed Linux.  Problem is that nowhere on my system could I find apxs -
>so I copied it form another Linux installation.  I tried to then compile
>mod_jserv.  Keep getting an error when I run the command
>     apxs -c -o *.c
>to create mod_jserv.  Get the error :No such file or directory.  I don't
>know what it is referring to - it is finding apxs okay, what file or
>directory is it referring to?
>2. Next I tried copying the binary mod_jserv from the tomcat download site
>and that didn't work either.  When I went to startup apache, I get the
>error:  "Loade DSO libexec/ uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this
>module might crash upon EAPI.  Please recompile it with -DEAPI!"   I have no
>idea what this means.
>3.  Next I tired compiling my own Apache version 1.3 and got that all
>installed with DSO enabled.  Again, tried creating the mod_jserv and mod_jk
>files using apxs and again got the error "No such file or directory".  Still
>don't know what that is referring to.
>4. Next tried using the binary mod_jserv that  I had downloaded from the
>tomcat download site.  Didn't work.  Apache won't start.  I get no errors,
>nothing in the log files, nothing in configstatus, NOTHING!  (very
>frustrating).  Just says "not started".
>5. Next I tried using the binary mod_jk that I had downloaded from the
>tomcat download site.  Didn't work.  Apache won't start.  This time I at
>least get an error message.  It says "API module structure 'jk_module; in
>file /usr/local/apache/libexec/ is garbled - perhpas this is not an
>Apche module DSO?  Apache could not be started.  (I tried re-downloading it
>but to no avail!)
>So... any ideas?  To recap:
>1. The downloaded binary and don't seem to work.
>2. I can't create new or because apxs reports "No
>such file or directory" when I enter the commands as given in the
>As I said -- I have spent DAYS on this and am completely frustrated.  Any
>help is surely appreciated.
>- Sue Evans

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