Hi guys,

During development we would like to use Tomcat locally without having an
Apache front end, then only have an Apache front end proxy passing to Tomcat
when it goes into production.

We are running into problems with how to replicate the proxy pass
functionality of Apache in Tomcat.  

Eg say we have a context of /context and in its base directory there was a
subdirectory called my_directory. To get rid of the context out of the url
in Apache for the public site we would just do the following proxy pass

proxypass /my_directory http://localhost:8080/context/my_directory

where localhost:8080 is of course picked up by Tomcat.  This would mean the
url would look like
http://mydomain.com/my_directory - much tidier than

We cannot work out how to set up a similar arrangement in Tomcat.

Note: we are *not* asking how to make context=my_directory, so we can't just
add another context my_directory that maps through to the same base
directory as context. 

Any ideas people?



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