I had the same problem and, definetely, you have to 
build your own mod_jk.so.
Try downloading another version of Apache (not 
installing it)and use it's apxs. I have 1.3.19 and it 
works fine, only follow the mod_jk page instructions:

Make sure you have Perl 5 installed. The apxs script 
used to build the module is written in Perl. 
Change directory to jakarta-tomcat/src/native/apache1.3 
(or apache2.0). 
Run the apxs command that came with your apache 
distribution (hint: look 
in /usr/local/apache/bin, /usr/sbin, or wherever you 
intalled apache). Type the command all on one line.

For Linux: 
apxs -o mod_jk.so -I../jk -I/usr/local/jdk/include -
I/usr/local/jdk/include/linux -c *.c ../jk/*.c

Your build may fail because the object files from 
the ../jk directory have been compiled to the current 
directory, rather than their source directory. Running 
gcc -shared -o mod_jk.so *.o should finish the build.

Good luck!


> Upgraded Apache to 1.3.20, got Tomcat 3.2.1.  
Downloaded binary of mod_jk,
> but when it tries to load it I get:
> Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 8 of
> /usr/local/tomcat/conf/mod_jk_set.conf:
> API module structure `jk_module' in 
file /usr/local/apache/libexec/mod_jk.so
> is garbled - perhaps this is not an Apache module DSO?
> What's the deal with that?  Any ideas?  Tried 
compiling myself, but apxs
> dies at the end.  I got it from the linux dir, and I'm 
running Redhat 7.0
> Thanks..


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