Hi Mark,

I send you attached the parts of mod_jk.conf , web.xml which works for
belonging to directory structure 
c:\tomcat\webapps\tute6\secure\login.jsp & error.html

set  <Logger name="tc_log" 
            verbosityLevel = "DEBUG"

in your server.xml so you can see if there are any mod_jk errors while
invoking tomcat.


ÿþ# The following line makes apache aware of 
the location of the /tute6 context


Alias /tute6 "C:/tc/webapps/tute6"

<Directory "C:/tc/webapps/tute6">

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks



# The following line mounts all JSP files 
and the /servlet/ uri to tomcat


JkMount /tute6/servlet/* ajp13

JkMount /tute6/*.jsp ajp13

JKMount /tute6/form/*.jsp ajp13

JKMount /tute6/secure/j_security_check 


# The following line prohibits users from 
directly accessing WEB-INF


<Location "/tute6/WEB-INF/">

    AllowOverride None

    deny from all



# Use Directory too. On Windows, Location 
doesn't work unless case matches


<Directory "C:/tc/webapps/tute6/WEB-INF/">

    AllowOverride None

    deny from all



# The following line prohibits users from 
directly accessing META-INF


<Location "/tute6/META-INF/">

    AllowOverride None

    deny from all



# Use Directory too. On Windows, Location 
doesn't work unless case matches



    AllowOverride None

    deny from all



# Auto configuration for the /tute6 
context ends.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"


  <!--    <load-on-startup>0</load-on-startup>    -->


         <web-resource-name>My Protected Area</web-resource-name>
      <realm-name>Form Based Authentication</realm-name>


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