What I've done is taken a copy of the mod_jk.conf-auto and extracted the 
LoadModule etc (global info) from it into one file.  I include this file 
(using the Include directive) in the httpd.conf.  I then insert into each 
VirtualHost directive the JkMount directives.  I'm not sure if its possible 
to do virtual hosts with the auto generated stuff but this works fine.  I've 
put an example below.



---- start httpd.conf snippet ----

Include conf/mod_jk.conf-coxless

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot /projects/coxless/live/htdocs
    ServerName coxless.com
    ServerAlias www.coxless.com
    ErrorLog logs/coxless.com-error_log
    CustomLog logs/coxless.com-access_log common

    JkMount /*.jsp ajp12
    JkMount /servlet/* ajp12


---- end httpd.conf snippet ----

---- start conf/mod_jk.conf-coxless snippet ----

LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.so
JkWorkersFile /packages/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/conf/workers.properties
JkLogFile /packages/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel debug

---- end conf/mod_jk.conf-coxless snippet ----

---- start server.xml snippet ----

        <Host name="coxless.com" >
                <Context path="/"
                         reloadable="true" >

---- end server.xml snippet ----

hope that helps (o:

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001 09:07, Nick Stoianov wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Apache 1.3.9, Tomcat 3.2 , Linux
> I want to setup a virtual host (let's say vh1.test.com) so that I will be
> able to call servlets from http://vh1.test.com/servlets/ What should I put
> in httpd.conf , mod_jk and server.xml?
> I will really appreciate any helpful advice on this problem. I tried
> different things but I can't make it work.
> Nick Stoianov

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