Even without your actual entries, I can tell you that your problem
is probably due to you adding the filter to the wrong IIS instance or that
you don't have your uriworkermap.properites set up correctly.

        For the first one, the filter only works on the server that you add
the filter to.  If you have virtual servers and you want Tomcat on all of
them, you need to add the filter to all of them.

        For the second one, look at your file and remember that you can only
use an asterisk at the beginning or end of a URL, not both, and not in the


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marko Viitanen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 6:57 PM
> Subject: Tomcat-IIS
> Hi, 
> I followed the instructions in the tomcat-iis how-to file. I have now
> started over about 10 times, and I just can't get it to work. 
> I am running Windows 2000 professional, JDK 1.3.1, Tomcat 3.2.3 
> Here is my registry:
>  <<...OLE_Obj...>> 
> Here is the isapi filter location
>  <<...OLE_Obj...>> 
> Here is the jakarta virtual path  properties:
>  <<...OLE_Obj...>> 
> Here is the filter properties:
>  <<...OLE_Obj...>> 
> I think I have done everything as it says in the how-to. 
> However I just
> can't get it to work. Can you see something obvious that I am 
> doing wrong? I
> have tried the registry key values with and without 
> surrounding parentheses.
> Neither works.
> I don't even get an isapi.log log.
> Web server log is like this:
> #Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0
> #Version: 1.0
> #Date: 2001-07-31 22:39:39
> #Fields: time c-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem sc-status 
> 22:39:39 GET /examples/servlet/HelloWorldExample 404
> THank you for your help
> Marko

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