Thank you for reply. But I've already read it.
It is command for TOMCAT 4.
In our system, we'll use TOMCAT 3.
Although JBOSS use TOMCAT 3.2, it is possible to 
deploy war file dynamically in jboss-tomcat(3.2) environment.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Bromberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: How to deploy war file dynamically, like JBOSS

Perhaps this will help:

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/14/01 02:01pm >>>
In our system, we'll use TOMCAT 3.2.
And we want to deploy war file dynamically without restarting TOMCAT.
Is it possible?
>From the document of TOMCAT 3.2, it seems that there is no way.
And I know that TOMCAT 4 offer several management command to 
deploy war file dynamically.

But I think there is some way to deploy war file dynamically in TOMCAT3.2
Because it is possible in JBOSS with TOMCAT(3.2) package.
When I copy war file to JBOSS_HOME/deploy directory, it is 
depoyed dynamically.
I think there is some way to customizing TOMCAT, and
JBOSS does this customization. I want to know how to configure it.

In JBOSS environment, it doesn't extract war file to "tomcat/webapps"
directory. Instead, it seems that war file is extracted under JBOSS_HOME/tmp/deploy

Does anyone know how to do this? 

I posted same question to JBOSS forum several weeks ago,
then I was adviced to post to TOMCAT mailing list.

Thans and regards,

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