Thanks all for trying to help me. The problem I had was Tomcat is looking 
for the javascript file in my src directory (which is set as docbase for my 
application), instead of in current jsp directory. But in case of included 
jsp files it looks in the current directory and not the docbase. Now it 
works with src="\jsp\orgedti.js"

----Original Message Follows----
From: Thad Humphries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Filepath quesiton
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 13:45:14 -0400

If you are running Apache, have you added

AddType application/x-javascript .js

to your httpd.conf file?  If not Apache, does your web server recognize
.js files if requested from an HTML page?

Ramesh Yerneni wrote:

>Sorry, that was a typo, I have it as src, still doesn't work. Thank
>you for trying to help...
>----Original Message Follows----
>From: Thad Humphries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Filepath quesiton
>Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 11:38:36 -0400
>It's not "scr"--it's "src".  It should read <script
>Ramesh Yerneni wrote:
>>In my jsp file tried to replace
>><script scr="c:\aims\src\jsp\orgedit.js"></script>
>>and it doesn't work. The .js file and .jsp file are in same directory.
>>What intrigues me more is in the same jsp the following line works
>><%@include file="footer.jsp" %>
>>For some reason I can't get .js files to work without giving full path
>>where as included jsp are loaded properly wihtout full path. Anybody
>>knows why?
>Thad Humphries               " religious test shall ever be required
>Web Development Manager       as a qualification to any office or public
>Phone: 540/675-3015, x225     trust under the United States." -Article VI
>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Thad Humphries               " religious test shall ever be required
Web Development Manager       as a qualification to any office or public
Phone: 540/675-3015, x225     trust under the United States." -Article VI

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