I've searched in many many many places an answer for this before asking.
There are some answers, but it didn't get clear for me.

    I'm using JServ for a long time, and i'm trying, for a long time too, to
migrate my servers for using Apache+Tomcat.
    The problem is that i really can't understand well the way tomcat is
    The main problem, and the reason i'm writing is:

    I have today in many JServ's, only one repository, which is called by
using the /servlets alias. All servlets that run on the server are keeped on
    So, in this way that's very easy to include a servlet, it's only put it
on /var/servlet and call http://my.host/servlets/<name_of_the_servlet>

    I simply want to migrate to tomcat using this kind of configuration.
Many servlets have links to others servlets (written in code) using
/servlets/any_servlet, so that's impossible to me to create a context and
access the servlets using /context/servlet
    Is there any way to create a central repository that can be accessed by
/servlets and only this?
    Is the web-inf directory mandatory for using servlets?

Thanks in advance,

Joao Carlos
"Unix IS user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are"

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