You need to set up server.xml on the machine that will be running tomcat
so that it'll be listening on whatever port.  For example:

<Connector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
  <Parameter name="handler"
  <Parameter name="port" value="8009"/>

Then you need to set up a file ON THE APACHE box. This
isn't very clear in the documentation (I figured it out yesterday.  :)).

Since my apache machine doesn't have tomcat on it, I just made a
directory in /etc/tomcat/conf and stuck my file there.
It'll need to look something like this:

# you can name these workers whatever you want, just make sure you match
# it below in the worker.[worker name].port, etc definitions

# make sure this matches the port number you used in your server.xml in 
# the other machine
# this is the IP address or host name of your tomcat machine
# I think that the lbfactor will be optional for you -- I actually have
# tomcat running two instances and then use a load balancer worker to
# use both.

Then you'll need to set up your httpd.conf to use mod_jk and redirect
the the appropriate things to your tomcat machine.

For example:

LoadModule jk_module  modules/
AddModule mod_jk.c
JkWorkersFile /etc/tomcat/conf/
JkLogFile /var/log/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel error
# use the worker name that you defined in
# if you decide to use a load balancing worker, then send things
# to the load balacing worker, and it'll figure out which instance
# to send it to.
JkMount /*.jsp worker1

That should do it.  Good luck!  :)



On 05 Sep 2001 11:21:12 +0100, atif umar wrote:
> hi , 
>        guess this is a very dumb question but i am
> having some problems in running tomcat and apache on
> different m/c's  
> i guess that i have to make some changes in the    
> 1) server.xml
> 2) 
> and in httpd.conf 
> could any one tell me exactly what changes i have to
> make 
> this configuration used to work fine when both were on
> same m/c
> the configuration of my m/c's are
> - win98
> - apache 1.3.20
> - tomcat 3.2.3
> pls do reply as i know this being easy might not
> interest many but still any suggestions will be very
> helpful to me
> thanks in advance
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