I have a problem which I have asked in several forums
and have received no response.  Basically i have some
code which needs to be debugged, but after spending
hours and hours I am unable to figure out what is
causing the problem. If anyone has some time to
briefly look over my code, I will send a copy.  The
problem more likely is very simple, but so far for me
it has been a needle in a haystack.    Here is a
somewhat brief description of my program design along
with the problem.I have created a calendar servlet
which includes three other servlets:a browser to
change monthsa month calendar which allows you to
select the day of the monthand a day calendar which
makes a connection to a database and displays the
events for the day. I have separate servlet which
allows you to enter events for the time on a specific
day. My problem is that once I enter some events, the
day calendar doesn't immediately show the information
from the database. The day calendar must be refreshed
a second time.  This doesn't always happen.  I noticed
that it tends to happen after changing months and and
changing days, and then entering the information.  In
other words it work properly most of the time, but
under certain cicumstances it doesn't work. Obviously
to understand this problem you would need to see both
the code and the running application. Any help will be
greatly appreciated. -Amos  

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