"Jochen Schwoerer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Pier,
> Saturday, September 08, 2001, 8:20:30 PM, you wrote:
> PF> "Jochen Schwoerer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> hello all,
>>> does somebody know if it is possible to bind the shutdown listener of
>>> tomcat 4 on a specific ip address like it is possible for connectors?
> PF> I believe that for security reasons, in the upcoming version, the binding
> PF> will be allowed and done only to localhost (
> in our case we have a machine with multiple ip addresses and want to
> run several instances on different ips but with the same control
> ports.

I don't see a valid reason on why this should be done, while I see a
potential security hazard in binding on IPs != localhost.

> it would be good to have the possibilty to configure the binding ip
> like in the connector directive.

Nope, it would not be... Because then people would play around with it, and
security is compromised... One day we'll remove that shutdown mechanism all


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