At 08:16 PM 15/11/01, you wrote:
>I have a web application which provides support for 4 different languages. I
>am using the resource bundle files for this. However tomcat4.0 is unable to
>load these files and reports a  java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't
>find resource for base name
> > actionStrings, locale en_US . This problem doesnt occur with tomcat3.2.1 .
>I place the property files in web-inf/classes dir.
>Any solutions or workarounds.

I found the only way to (routinely) get tomcat to find the resource bundles 
was to stick them in a jar. (And hence in WEB-INF/lib)



                           *   Jim Cheesman   *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (34)(91) 724 9200 x 2360
              Exaggeration is not 
all it's cracked up to be.

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