
Got it to work, permissions for JSPs can only be given at the context
root level.  I was trying to be more fine grained which is not possible.


Antony Bowesman wrote:
> Hi,
> How can you assign permissions to code compiled from a JSP, it is
> possible or do you have to put all code that performs actions that may
> encounter security checks inside a bean and then allocate permissions to
> the bean class?
> I tried adding
> grant codeBase
> "file:${catalina.home}/work/localhost/examples/jsp/security/protected/-"
> {
>         permission java.security.AllPermission;
> };
> to the conf/catalina.policy but I get an AccessControlException because
> the compiled code in the stack frame
> org.apache.jsp.index$jsp._jspService(index$jsp.java:116)
> does not have permission.
> It's tomcat 4.0
> Any ideas?
> Antony
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Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
phone: +358 9 5128 2562
fax  : +358 9 5128 2705

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