
Did you find a solution to the parameter ordering issue of a form?  I 
am interested in receiving the parameters in order.  I want to make 
a generic servlet that emails forms to me and maintains the order 
of the fields on the form.  Nothing is "dependent", but aesthetically 
it works out better if I just use the order from the form.  It seems 
a shame that the servlet API discards the data.  (At least that is 
what I gathered from the previous thread.)

Thank You,
Bob Byron

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sean Tiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Problem is that the form fields are in a particular order on the form, but 
> when I get the Parameters from the request object this field order is 
> gone...
----- Follow-up Message ----- 
From: "Sean Tiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I will look into the getInputStream().  It seems reasonable, but then 
> wont I have to pass this around with the request object?

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