>>Can the class loader used to load the classes in the web app load
native libraries...
I think that classes in the web app can call native methods, but I am
by no stretch of the imagination an expert on this. When I ran the
Oracle OCI JDBC driver (which uses native code) it worked in the
WEB-INF/lib directory or in the common/lib directory. I had a separate
issue when reloading classes, but I think that was Oracle specific.
>>Do I really need to load my class with the native methods...how?
I also think that classes in the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib get loaded
by the "common" classloader.
>>I am a big fan of open source, but the troubles I am having...
I feel your pain. Best of luck getting this going, be sure to share
when you do to spare the next poor bugger. ;-)

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/08/02 08:29PM >>>
Hi All,

After more that a week of messing with it, I'm convinced there is no
way to call native methods within Tomcat. I have read the class loader
INFO file 100 times, searched and read the list serve archives for
hours, followed all the suggestions found within those messages, and
still I receive "UnsatisfiedLinkErrors" whenever I attempt to run native


* I can execute the methods with no problems when run from the command
line, but I get "UnsatisfiedLinkErrors" running under Tomcat 4.0.1.


* Can the class loader used to load the classes in the web app load
native libraries with System.loadLibrary? Some list serve messages say
no, others suggest yes.
* Do I really need to load my class with the native methods in the
"Common" class loader?  If so, how? None of the methods I have tried
* Basically, how do I need to sweet talk Tomcat to make it execute my
native methods?

I'm really frustrated and desperate!  If anyone has made this work,
please share your wisdom. I am a big fan of open source, but the
troubles I am having really make me wish I could call tech support at
some software company!  Any suggestions are welcome.  Thanks..


Jim Boone

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