Hi Jason

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 27 February 2002 03:25
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: 2 instance of tomcat within 1 machine
> John,
> Could you please post the contents of you server.xml?

Will do - I had promised I'd do it today, but I still don't have copies of
the files.  FWIW, Sriram Narayanan's post filled in most of the gaps from my
post.  I appreciate it's often better to see a complete file, though, so
I'll get a copy to the list.

> I'm 
> trying to do exactly what you've done with only 2 tomcat 
> instances and am having difficulty.  Also, I'm confused at 
> which tomcat subdirectories needed to be present in each 
> CATALINA_BASE directory. The running.txt file mentions the 
> conf, logs, webapps, and work directories but you mention 
> having to edit the catalina.bat file (in the bin 
> sub-directory) for each instance. So the bin directory is 
> needed to be copied as well?

I'd consider the bin directory optional - I added it as a convenience,
because there's no way on earth I'm ever going to remember individual port
numbers!  Having easy access to a statup script makes life a lot easier.
Apart from the bin directory, the only other directories I've got are those
detailed on running.txt: conf, logs, webapps, and work.

> Thanks,
> Jason Brawner

Apologies for not being better organised today... ;( ... And good luck!


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