On Wednesday, February 27, 2002, at 12:57 PM, Sriram Narayanan wrote:

> 1. Read the documentation. There's really a whole lot of 
> information given...

I do read the docs, but (not meaning to step on toes here) their 
not always clear to those who may not know the terminology.

For example... I'm just messing with taglibs right now... the 
"Tag Documentation" section of the docs for the UtilityTags Tag 
Library have a very brief description of the tag and attributes, 
but not one example. Yes, each little table has the raw data 
necessary, but simply showing...

<prefix:if predicate="<%= theTest %>">
        do this if true

...would communicate much more... and more effectively.

Another example, from the taglibs tutorial... under the "Hello 
World Tag Handler", the word "package" is refered to in the text 
and code sample, but I can see no description of what "package" 
is and what I should put there when creating my own taglib.

Or using the http://jakarta.apache... url as an example in 
places where it should point to the user's files; confusing 
because in some cases it must be the jakarta url (like in the 
DOCTYPE) and in some cases not. A better example url for cases 
when it's a client file would be something like 
http://location/of/your/file or something.

I'm really not trying to complain, I just want to show maybe a 
different perspective on the supplied docs, and why I was 
looking for a newbie slant on the information. Just like it's 
hard for me to remember what it's like not to know HTML 
structure inside and out, it may be hard for those making the 
docs to realize what someone coming in with a Tomcat tabla rasa.

With best intentions and a desire to learn more,

Ken Martin

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