Hi all.

Well, I'm not having much success with JDBC data source over JNDI. What happens 
is that the object that should be javax.sql.DataSource is returned "null" from 
the lookup.

What steps can I take to identify the source of (not only) my problem?

<Context docBase="addr_admin" path="/addr_admin" debug="0">
   <Resource name="jdbc/AddressBookDB" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
   <ResourceParams name="jdbc/AddressBookDB">


public void init() throws ServletException {
   Context initCtx, envCtx;

   try {
     initCtx = new InitialContext();
     if( (envCtx = (Context)initCtx.lookup( "java:comp/env" )) == null ) {
       throw new UnavailableException( "No java:comp/env context" );
     if( (ds = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup( "jdbc/AddressBookDB" )) == null ) {
       throw new UnavailableException( "No environment resource: JDBC" );
   } catch( javax.naming.NamingException ne ) {
     throw new UnavailableException( "Naming service failure" );

The servlet goes to "unavailable" and the error in logs is that JDBC line. So, 
the "java:comp/env" is accessable, but not the "jdbc/AddressBookDB". What could 
possibly be the reason for this? How can test JNDI setup?


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