Hi, this question may be more related to viewing pages with Pocket Internet
Explorer on the Pocket PC but maybe someone can help anyway.

I have set up a web app on Tomcat 4.0. I have configured SSL by generating
my own certificate. I've done this according to the SSL How to
documentation. Then, within my web.xml I've defined that my web app should
all be served over HTTPS (CONFIDENTIAL) and that it should use BASIC

When I view my web app from a PC browser, I get the little 'Security Alert'
window telling me that the server certificate is not recognised (because I
generated it myself) and asking if I want to proceed. I say 'yes' and I get
the little userid/password window. When I enter these using a combination
that exists in my realm, I get access to the site and it works fine.

But, if I then try to access the site using IE on my Pocket PC, the IE logo
just spins continuously and then I get a message saying that the page
cannot be found. I think this is happening at the point where Tomcat is
presenting the public key to the browser because I don't get a window
popping up saying that the certificate is not recognised in the way that I
do with the PC browser.

I've done a bit of sniffing around and apparently Pocket IE only supports
512 bit RSA keys. I believe that by default, the keytool certificate
generation tool uses 1024 bits. Therefore, I applied a high encryption
update to Pocket IE that allows it to handle 1024 bit keys and more but
still I get the spinning logo and nothing happening.

So, really I'm wondering if anyone has managed to set up a secure site on
Tomcat and then view it with Pocket IE?

Any help much appreciated.



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