Sorry, my bad, that was the struts-user list. 

BTW, that is another good place to search - there are some smart guys on
that one...not that there are dumb guys on this one, but...just a
minute, let me get my foot out of my mouth. ;-)

Anyway, here are some instructions for using netbeans from that list. If
you have trouble, shoot me an email, and I will try to help:
If you use the JPDA debugger, you can use any version of tomcat *on any
machine* with the NB debugger.
Mount all the jars in the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory.
Mount all the jars in then <your-context>/WEB-INF/lib directory.
Mount the <your-context>/WEB-INF/classes directory.
Next, set an environment variable CATALINA_OPTS to this:
  -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n

Then start tomcat.
Now, you can connect from netbeans: Debug > Attach...
 Debugger Type: Default debugger (JPDA)
 Connector: SocketAttach
 Transport: dt_socket
 Host: localhost
 Port: 8000

If you have source versions of the jars, you can mount the directories
(or jars) with the source and debug them too. For example, for jdk1.4,
mount $JAVA_HOME/ and you can debug all they way down to
java.lang.Object if you are into that sort of thing.
I usually unzip/unjar all source (java, tomcat, struts, jakarta-commons,
etc...) into one directory tree, that way I can mount that one directory
and debug everything. Another nice benefit of this approach is that you
can run javadoc on that tree and have one place for all your javadocs...

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