> De: Sankaranarayanan (Ganesh) Ganapathy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Enviado el: 13 de junio de 2002 19:02

IIS+Authentication can work on IIS in 2 different ways that are mutually

1) Let tomcat to surpass completely the IIS auth..
        * Disconnet any auth done at IIS level.. 
        * set the tomcatAuthentication="true" in the Ajp connector line
in server.xml

2) Let the IIS server do the auth and tomcat use them
        * set the IIS auth
        * set tomcatAuthentication="false"
        * There are some problems already with roles.. (JK2 will solve
them or at least try to)

dont forget to check that you have the appropiate user, roles and
web.xml security constraints..

And speaking generally 2) should work from 4.0.4 and up, and 3.3 and up,
1) was ever working.

Saludos ,
Ignacio J. Ortega

> -----Mensaje original-----
> Asunto: ATTN IIS-Tomcat redirector developers - I am stuck 
> with this for
> over a week now - PL HELP
> Getting the manager app to work with tomcat 4.0.3 and IIS 5.0
> Hi All, 
> I have setup IIS5.0 and tomcat4.0.3 successfully on Win2k 
> professional - can get to the example webapps.
> But when I try to access the manager app I get the message - 
> Access to the specified resource is denied. The tomcat does 
> seem to be throw the challenge response box in this case. 
> The instructions everywhere deals only with the simplest case 
> - setting up examples web app - doesnt seem to explain how to 
> set up an app that requires basic authentication such as the 
> manager application that is bundled with tomcat - so I am not 
> sure if this works
> The jakarta virtual directory has read and execute premission 
> and the anonymous acces is enabled.
> What should I do to get this working
> Thanx
> Ganesh
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