> De: Ian Darwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Enviado el: 14 de junio de 2002 19:14

> Thanks, but why is there both an isapi_redirector2.dll and a 
> mod_jk2.dll?

Well, they are binaries, right ? :)

For IIS you will need the apr ones and i_r2.dll.. only.. all in the same

> Does one invoke the other? Is there any kind of how-to for version 2
> of this stuff? The iis-howto doc is all in terms of TC3 and 
> the old jk version.

Unfortunately, not, check CVS,
but we all gathering volunteers all the time :)), dont hesitate to post
at tomcat-user for further help on config , but there at the CVS you
will get more or less all you need to make it work..

(Please continue theread at tomcat-user thanks..)

Saludos ,
Ignacio J. Ortega

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