
I want like to do some nasty VirtualHosting which I can't get to run.

I have written a web-application which gets it's internal configuration 
values out of an XML-File we specified. So, for different 
applications, I can use the same /WEB-INF/classes for all my 
applications, the only thing that changes is a parameter in the 
accompanying web.xml

So I made a directory structure like this:

cd /usr/local/tomcat/webapp
mkdir host1
cd host1
mkdir WEB-INF
ln -s /opt/myshop/lib/shop/classes/ ./classes

and the same for host2, host3 and so on... so all /classes are 
symbolic linx to the same Classpath. I need this so every 
application really loads its own customized set of classes.

Now I have two virtual-hosts in Apache:

<VirtualHost my.domain.com>
   JkMount /host1/* ajp13

<VirtualHost my.second.com>
   JkMount /host2/* ajp13

This would work fine. But now I want that both Mount-points are 
called "host" rather than "hostN"

This would mean I have just to go to my webapp directory and 
mkdir host
put my symbolic link into the WEB-INF and edit the web.xml so it 
contains a <Host> - Tags around each <Context> ... restarting 
tomcat and apache and calling to /my.domain.com/shop/ will start 
the appropriate Web-application and I can see that it initializes, but 
as soon as that application has to load other classes, everything 
fails. I didn't had this problem without the <Host> Tag around...

Any Ideas would be highly appreciated !!!


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