
Could anyone explain how are non-ascii characters processed by Tomcat ?
I have the following configuraton:

Tomcat 4.0.3 running with apache (mod_webapp), environment: LANG=pl_PL,
JDK1.4.0 with command-line parameter -Djavax.servlet.request.encoding=ISO-8859-2

JSP page with '<%@ page contentType="text/html;CHARSET=ISO-8859-2" %>'

All polish characters are displayed in the browser correctly, they also
are inserted into database correctly, but I cannot receive them in
e-mail sent from the JSP page - all non-ASCI characters are coming in
the message as proper LATIN2 characters preceded by 'Â' or 'Ă'
characters. When I look at the generated from JSP Java code in
~catalina/work directory, I see exactly the same.

Decompiled (generated from JSP) class contains octal codes of LATIN2
characters (i suppose there should be rather UNICODE character's codes).

Do you have any suggestion about possible ways of debugging/fixing it ?


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