I now have Apache/Tomcat/JSDK up and running and I've copied Oracle's
"classes12.zip" into Tomcat's "common/lib" directory.  I'm performing a test
from an Oracle book and the compiler/code can't find the Oracle classes.
The code I'm running (saved in a file named "TestJdbc.java") is:

package jdbc.driverTest;
import java.sql.*;
public class TestJdbc
   public TestJdbc ()
         DriverManager.registerDriver (new
      catch (Exception e) {}

My compile statement is (from the Windows NT command prompt):
"javac jdbc\driverTest\TestJdbc.java"

The error I get is:
jdbc\driverTest\TestJdbc.java:11: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class OracleDriver
location: package driver
    DriverManager.registerDriver (new.oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
1 error

Any ideas?  Thanks,

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