I've been trying all day (installed from blank hard drive twice) and I can't
get Apache to forward requests to Tomcat.  I'm testing this by trying to
access http://localhost/examples.  It should be forwarding to
http://localhost:8080/examples (Tomcat's examples).

I've found the following two entries in my Apache error.log file:
[Thu Aug 15 15:23:51 2002] [error] lb_worker.service() all workers in error
or disabled state
[Thu Aug 15 15:23:51 2002] [error] mod_jk.handler() Error connecting to
tomcat 21000

Does anyone have any ideas?  I used the workers2.properties and
jk2.properties files from Dave on this list (I only changed the paths).
Everything else is default Apache 2.0.39, Tomcat 4.1.8, and JSDK 1.3.1.

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