Everyone keeps pointing to this document
, yet some of it is incorrect unless I'm just completely mis-reading it:

Issues with that document:
1) It say's add a JAVA_HOME variable pointing to where it installed the JRE
which would be "c:\program files\java\j2re1.4.0_1", not "c:\1\java".  The
doc even states that no matter what install directory you give it, it will
always put the JRE in Program Files.  Which directory am I supposed to set

2) On the Tomcat install it says use the LE version because it comes with an
XML parser.  From what I read, this is incorrect; the LE version is without
an XML parser because JSDK 1.4 comes with it.

3) In the supplied workers2.properties code in the [config:] section, it has
a line that reads "file=c:/1/apache2/workers2.properties".  I believe it
should read "file=c:/1/apache2/conf/workers2.properties".

If someone could clear up these issues for me I would appreciate it.

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