> Does anyone know if there is a FTP connector(?) for Tomcat?
> If not, is it something that's doable with Tomcat?

FTP, as a protocol, is stateful. In other words, you login to the server and until you 
log out, you have an FTP session. HTTP is stateless. There is no login/logout. There 
are emulations of those concepts: authentication and session creation, but they are 
implemented either per request (auth in HTTP headers) or a simulation (session in 
cookies or URL rewriting).

The only thing that would seam doable with Tomcat is support for FTP URLs through HTTP 
request, something like:

"GET ftp://my.host.domain.com/pub/apps/pgsql.jar HTTP/1.1"

BUT, there is a problem with this. :-) RFC explicitely states that all HTTP 1.0 and 
1.1 clients should issue absolute URLs only when talking to a proxy. So, the answer is 
NO, unless you want to be a general purpose FTP proxy.


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