Richard Chamberlain wrote:

> After I sent my previous message I played around a bit and it became
> clear that I was misinterpreting how to use form login.
> I'll explain what I want to do and perhaps somebody would be kind
> enough to point me in the right direction.
> I have a page that I only want members to be able to get to, member.jsp
> for instance.
> At the moment I've got it set up so attempting to access member.jsp
> will redirect you to the index page at which point you can login in and
> then be redirected to the member page. All works ok.
> However what I actually want is a form login on each page of the site
> and when a user logs in they get redirected to member.jsp. At the
> moment that gives me a invalid direct reference to form login page
> because tomcat wants me to go to member.jsp first and then be
> redirected to a form.
> Do I have to write myself some authentication code in this case?
> This was very easy in resin because you just mapped the
> j_security_check servlet and everything worked as I've outlined.

Do you mean that you actually have the login form embedded in every 
public page? Doesn't that clutter up your pages unnecessarily?
What I do is to have a "Login" button on every public page. The login 
button sends the user to the "private" home page. Since this is subject 
to a security restriction, the user is diverted to a login page first. 
Once logged in, he is automagically redirected to the "private" home page.
This works well!


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