Dear All,

Can anyone offer some advice - sorry to keep asking, but so far I've had no
reply :-(

I am using ISAPI redirector to serve JSP/servlet resources through IIS

I would like some contexts to _require_ SSL (https) to be used, and leave
others free to use http.

I am able require _all_ contexts to use SSL by setting 'require secure
for the jakarta virtual directory under IIS.


What I want to do is require SSL at a _context_ level

Can someone show me how to do this,
perhaps using or or the like?

I did think of setting secure="true" on the ajp13 connnector,
but that just tells effectively tells me that that connector has been used,
not whether the original request used SSL - in other words I ALWAYS get
isSecure()  = whatever was set for the connector in server.xml

An idea I had was to have more than one 'jakarta' virtual directory, one
requiring SSL, the other not,
but then I'm guessing the ISAPI filter uses the same Registry entry,
so I couldn't specify a different extension_uri to get to it ??
Is this the right thinking?? Is there a way round this?

Any other general advice - except "don't use IIS" (I have no choice for this
project!) - would be welcome.


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