
I try to move from tc-4.0.4 to 4.1.12 but have a problem. I have changed the 
default docBase (see below) for my application but I get the error attached 
at the end of the mail when I want to get the http://localhost:8080 
displayed. In the index.jsp file the <jsp:forward> command does not work and 
I don't know why. My application does work with tc-4.0.4 with this setup. I 
do have a correct web.xml in "/home/zk/CB/tomcat/cb/WEB-INF" and the class 
files are also in the right directories.

What is the reason of the error?

<Context path=""
            reloadable="false" debug="0"/>

<jsp:forward page="/servlet/top" />

Error message:

type Status report

message /servlet/top

description The requested resource (/servlet/top) is not available.

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