Hi all,
I am trying to make working 
 Apache 2.0.42 or 2.0.43 and
 Tomcat 4.1.10 or 4.1.12 with
 mod_jk or mod_jk2 on
 Windows 2K
since last friday with no results !!!
I don't know if is me, but i found really hard setup that enviroment lately, before 
was easy (until Apache 2.0.3x and Tomcat 4.0.4).

Apache installation OK,
Tomcat installation OK,
Apache running on port 80 OK,
Tomcat running on port 8080 OK,

I followed the HOW-TO guide step by step, but
Apache-Tomcat togheter are  NOT WORKING  , both cases mod_jk and mod_jk2.
http://localhost:8080/examples  - running 
http://localhost/examples - NOT RUNNING !!!
the error i get in the apache log is:
...File not Found: C:/servers/apache2/htdocs/examples

same as above.
+ really hard to setup all the parameters.

why it is going in the htdocs folder?
I know i could set 'htdocs' to point to 'tomcat/webapps' , but even if i do it will 
not work, this time i have a 404 error from Tomcat.
Also the auto-conf file contain the alias + directory definition inside, so should be 
not necessary, right? 

Please help, it's driving me crazy.
thank you.

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