i just installed jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12-LE-jdk14.  i'm running version 
1.4.0-b92 of sun's jdk on red hat linux 7.2.

i created a test subdirectory off the webapps and created an index.jsp 
in that webapps/test directory.  when i hit 
http://localhost:8080/test/index.jsp, i get 404.

this used to work for me in 3.3.  i'm assuming that there's an 
additional configuration step required now.

i tried restarting, no joy.  i added myself as a manager, but /test 
doesn't show up in the list in the manager webapp.

what am i missing?

i apologize for what must be a faq -- i DID spend some time looking in 
the archives.


   -- mike

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