Ditto what Larry said.

This is my personal preference, but I would skip the RPMs.  The binary
install is 5 steps:

- install JDK
- install Tomcat (using the binary install package, not the RPM, this is as
simple as unpacking it somewhere like /usr/local)
- set JAVA_HOME to JDK location (like /usr/local/j2sdk-1.4 or whatever
- set CATALINA_HOME (CATALINA = Tomcat, set to something like
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12 or whatever)
- run $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh

That's really all you need to do.  The RPMS do a few other things, like
create a "tomcat" user and setup some "start on boot" scripts, but for eval
purposes, those things aren't needed, and you can easily set things up for
yourself the way you like them once the evaluation is over.  

Once you do the above, you should be able to see the Tomcat examples at
http://localhost:8080/examples.  If your Linux box is a server with no GUI,
localhost may not be the best option, in that case change "localhost" in
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml to the FQDN of your choice, and restart

If you have problems after those 5 steps, post back here and someone will
usually help pretty quickly.  There are all sorts of HOWTOs for doing this,
but most of them deal with integrating Tomcat with Apache, which is way
overkill for what you want to do at the moment.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Bullough [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 3:53 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Installation cook-book or HOW-TO
> I've sent messages asking for the list FAQ, but 'none
> available yet' comes back in response. At least I
> tried...

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