Here's an explantion from the howto on J Turners website.  Read the rest 

3) Edit server.xml in CATALINA_HOME/conf. 
- look for a line that says "Server" and has a port of 8005. Add the 
following directly below: 
<Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig" /> 
- in the Host container add the following Listener directive (yes, it 
looks very similar to the one above): 
<Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig" 
append="true" forwardAll="false" /> 
- change the name parameter in the Host directive to your apache 
ServerName (the default is localhost) 
4) Edit httpd.conf in APACHE_HOME/conf. 
- make sure your ServerName matches the name="" parameter in your tomcat 
Host element in server.xml
- add the following line at the very end: 
Include /usr/local/tomcat/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf 
Note: the mod_jk.conf file gets created by tomcat when tomcat starts. It gets 
created every time tomcat starts. So, if you have your server.xml 
configured, you can ignore httpd.conf (in most cases) except to add the 
Include directive for mod_jk.conf. You don't need to create or edit 
mod_jk.conf. Click here for a sample mod_jk.conf file generated automatically by 
tomcat on each 

10/21/2002 07:24 PM
Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        can't generate md_jk.conf, apache/tomcat interface only works 


I've been having trouble with mod_jk.conf. 

I'm running Tomcat 4.1.12 with Apache 1.3, both on a mostly Woody
(stable) Debia box.  The Tomcat packages are from the 'unstable'
branch of the distribution, though.  Apache works fine on its own,
Tomcat works fie on its own, and I've now manually configured
httpd.conf so that Apache calls Tomcat for the urls I want (using
JkMount lines).  But I just haven't been able to get the two programs
to work well together automagically, like they're supposed to.  I
assume this has something to do with mod_jk (I'm using the version of
mod_jk that comes with the unstable distribution of libtomcat4-java in

simply for reasons of general competency I'd like to know how
mod_jk.conf and mod_jk.conf-auto work.  As I undrestand it the
integration is supposed to be fairly seamless -- just include a few
lines in httpd.conf, maybe uncomment some lines in server.xml, and a
mod_jk.conf file should be generated by tomcat and read by apache. 
... but I've tried every trick mentioned on line and I
still can't make it work.  THe TomcatBook is missing the section on
the jk configuration files -- argh!  So what I'm wondering is, can
someone either, (a) point me to a good resource somewhere explaining
in language clear enough for an idiot myself how to make Tomcat
generate a mod_jk.conf file (there's apparently something called
mod_jk.conf-auto, but I don't understand that bit), or (b) just
explain it here on the list.... 

I'd really appreciate it.  I hate not knowingh ow my tools work!
thanks a bunch,


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