On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 15:42, Milt Epstein wrote:

> Now, assuming you set up Apache+SSL for a reason, you probably want to
> use that for your https communication.  That means the URL you should
> use is:
> https://www.kithany.com/kithany/index.jsp
> This will go through Apache (on port 443, the default for https).  But
> for this to work, that is, to get to Tomcat, you have to make sure you
> have the proper configuration set up, mostly in terms of the connector
> directives in your Apache httpd.conf file.  (You don't say what
> connector you're using, perhaps it's mod_jk.)

I have having the same issue.  I have apache 1.3 working on port 80 and
on port 443 with mod_ssl.  Accessing the example apps via http works
fine. From the https server I either get a 404.  How do I make the
settings from the mod_jk.conf file get imported into the virtual server
that is running the SSL enabled httpd?

I am looking in the archives, but I am not finding anything very


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