Carl Zetterberg wrote:
Xiaojian Wang of writes:

"After starting Tomcat , open a navigator to visit any page,then press F5
to  fresh.After a few minutes,a message accured: "All threads are busy,
waiting. Please increase maxThreads or check the servlet status75 75" 75
is the maxProcess of my setting. It's a normal message that sugguest you
to increst your mxProcessing setting. In normal mode,tomcat accept new
connection after processed the pooled connection. But in SSL mode,it

And he suggests a solution:

"... download the source code jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.18-src on www., change at:
Line 515:continue==>break
Line 528:continue==>break
Maybe you also have to change
Line 434 from
if(linger >= 0 )
	socket.setSoLinger( true, linger);
//if(linger >= 0 )
		//socket.setSoLinger( true, linger);
because soLinger is OS sensitive.Tell me if you what does soLinger mean
or how to set it :-(

Recompile and replace the relate class in tomcat-uitl.

I believe it work well."

Going to try this when I get to work tomorrow.
The report is valid (although a bit hard to understand). Only the change for line 515 is useful (as well as a change of the logging priority line 510 to debug to avoid abusive logging).

The if block line 527-528 should be removed (it cannot happen).

The soLinger doesn't seem harmful.


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