Chances are that you have the the mapping for the invoker servlet
commented out in your $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/web.xml file.

- Nick

On 20 Jan 2003, David M. Karr wrote:

> >>>>> "andoni" == andoni  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     andoni> Hello,
>     andoni> I am having a really annoying problem that I hope somebody can help me 
>     andoni> My tomcat will run .jsp files fine and process them perfectly but will 
>     andoni> even consider using a .class file.
>     andoni> My app has jsps with javabeans linked in through tags in the .jsp files. 
> In
>     andoni> fact any java code in the .jsp files seems to work fine until a java 
>     andoni> needs to be called.
> It would be helpful if you indicated exactly what error messages you're
> getting, and showing the actual jsp page, along with your web.xml file.

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