
I've searched around and have not found an answer to my question so I'm
hopeful that I'm not asking something that has been asked 100 times before.
If I am, I would appreciate being pointed in the proper direction. 

I am running:
Apache  2.0.43
Tomcat  4.1.18
Jk2 connector
Linux RedHat V8

I would like to set up an environment where the Tomcat engine was accessed
via a TCP IP port from an external (to the platform) Apache webserver.  No
problem.  That's working fine.  At the same time, I would like to have an
Apache webserver local to the box running Tomcat access the servlet engine
via a Unix socket connection.  That's where my problem lies.  

I can't seem to figure out the proper servers.xml Connector statement,
jk2.properties channelUnix statement, & workers2.properties channel.un
statement.  With the TCP IP connection, it's easy to see how all three
statements correlate - the port number is defined in all three statements.
I don't understand how the Unix socket connection definitions correlate.
There isn't a port number specified  

Any help that anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.  Also, if you
have a description of the corresponding worker & uri definitions from the
workers2.properties, I'd appreciate it.

Is there a place where this is well documented?  Again, I apologize to the
group if this is the million+1 time this has been asked.

Bill Morgan

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