
i am using 4.18 and i am wondering if its true that DBCP is the default factory for 
resource definitions. I read it in the JNDI DataSource tomcat docs.

I defined the resource in the server.xml

<Resource name="jdbc/db2dbcp" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/db2dbcp">

but on lookup it seems tomcat cant find the DBCP object factory. I searched for the 
DBCP libs
and couldnt find it either. Now i am confused.

1. Is DBCP bundlded with 4.18 ?
2. is it true that i dont need to declare the factory inside <parameter>?

thx for any hints, i am mainly puzzled since i heard that tyrex is not default 
anymore, but
tyrex is the only pooling library i can find in the tomcat distro.

Thanks for clearifying.
greetings from
Marc Logemann

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